Secure Ground Transportation

Secure Ground Transportation

What is Secure Executive Transportation?

Secure Executive Transportation is the provision of safe, secure and efficient driving services in support of traveling executives and their staff. This service is delivered by vetted professional security drivers utilizing a fleet of safety checked vehicles dedicated to the specific task. 

Why do you need Secure Transport?

By utilizing ExecSecure you are reducing potential exposure to risks and hazards present when conducting business travel. Traveling executives are at greatest risk when in transit to and from office, accommodation or airport locations. Secure transportation services harness local knowledge and intelligence in conjunction with vetted staff to deliver a safe and secure environment at all times.

Use of secure transportation minimizes the risk and exposure to non-criminal incidents (such as road traffic accidents, vehicle failure, and poor route selection) as well as dangerous scenarios such as theft, kidnap, armed robbery, assault and other traumatic events.

Why shouldn’t I use local taxi or ride share services?

Taxi’s in many of cities in which we operate do not require background checks and only basic licensing (if at all), therefore you never know who your driver will be until you enter the vehicle and have only limited ability to determine their validity. In certain countries taxis increase a travelers risk of being targeted by criminals. 

Rideshare services may have an increased level of security compared to taxis, often knowing whom your driver is just prior to pick up. However vehicles are not safety checked, the background checks are basic, and using rideshare in certain countries (if available) may increase chances of being targeted by criminals or taxi drivers.

Ultimately if you chose to use a local taxi provider or rideshare service you are placing your security when you are potentially most vulnerable to an unknown entity and most likely in a country or city where your lack of local knowledge reduces the likelihood to be able to identify emerging threats or risks.

But rideshare and taxis are cheaper

Whilst the cost of a taxi or rideshare service may be cheaper than a secure transportation service it involves placing your safety and security in the hands of an unknown provider for the most vulnerable portion of your journey.

ExecSecure transportation services commence on your arrival in-country and remove the risks associated with finding transport or taxis at airports or on the street. Within the overall context of travel expenditure we feel that use of ExecSecure is a small investment in the safety and security of your most prized assets – people.

Our whole system is designed to ensure clients receive extremely competitive rates, and making secure travel attainable for all, including armored vehicles where needed.